OPEAM Asset Management Help


Maintenance Scheduling

The Maintenance Schedule is the master plan of the regular maintenance required on the assets (equipment) in the database. Assets to add to the schedule must be already entered into the database. The schedule is constructed by nominating an asset, then assigning a service type, a week, and a quarter for the service.

eg.   Asset: AB00123 Workboat,  Service Type: Annual,  Week: 1,  Quarter: 2

Setting up a maintenance schedule is necessary to take advantage of the Maintenance Schedule reports. The Maintenance Schedule reports give an summary of the work required on the assets (equipment) at a given location during a given week. They are useful to work crews performing maintenance site visits.

Use the Overdue Maintenance report to help construct the Maintenance Schedule. The Overdue Maintenance report summarizes scheduled maintenance that has not been performed. If an asset continues to appear on the Overdue Maintenance report it should be added to the Maintenance Schedule to ensure a work crew knows to perform its required maintenance.

*If assets are not already entered into the database, please follow the Adding Assets to the database instructions before proceeding.

  1. Add Assets to the Maintenance Schedule
  2. View the Maintenance Schedule - Summary report
  3. View the Maintenance Schedule - Sign Off Sheets report
  4. View the Overdue Maintenance report
  5. Use the Spare Parts Required report
Maintenance Schedule Screeenshot